
  • 麦昆中心前面
  • 麦昆中心的舞厅
  • 麦昆中心的会议室
  • 麦昆中心的后门廊
  • Outside patio with fireplace of MacQueen Center
  • Inside fireplace of MacQueen Center


The 麦昆校友中心 is located in the heart of the 十大玩彩信誉平台’s 校园. 在莫尔顿大厦和校友广场对面,这个美丽的15000平方英尺 facility offers state-of-the-art reception and meeting spaces, including the Chief Calvin McGhee Grand Ballroom, the USA Foundation Grand Lobby and the Geri and Gordon 莫尔顿董事会会议室.

Rental rates for 十大玩彩信誉平台 departments and organizations, 美国健康 and USA National 校友 Association Lifetime members:

▼   麦昆校友中心 General Rental Policies and Procedures for USA 社区

使用: Use of the 麦昆校友中心 (MAC) must be scheduled through the USA National 校友 Association at (251) 460-7084.

空间: 空间 is reserved on a first-come basis and is not booked as a facility rental until 已签署的合同和不可退还的50%押金已在美国航空协会存档. 空间 is booked in four-hour units for the Gordon and Geri Moulton Boardroom and eight-hour units for the Chief Calvin McGhee Ballroom. Setup and tear down must be included in 这一次. 请在活动开始前一小时进行准备和准备 one hour following your 事件 for breakdown.

食物:  All food and beverages brought into the MAC must be contracted through one of the 美国航空协会认可的餐饮服务商.

酒店老板:餐饮承办人必须从mac批准的餐饮承办人名单中选择. 校园部门 组织必须使用十大玩彩信誉平台的签约餐饮服务商.

垃圾: All vendors are responsible for their individual trash. 所有的垃圾桶都必须使用 使用垃圾袋时,不要将松散的垃圾直接放入垃圾桶. 所有垃圾必须 be removed from the premises immediately following the 事件. 不许留下垃圾 在整个设施的任何地方.

酒精: Affiliated chapters and societies of the USA NAA and non-University users may host functions at which alcoholic beverages are served, conditioned upon such service being 由大学认可的食品和饮料供应商提供.

  • The USA National 校友 Association is released from any and all liability concerning 任何酒精饮料的展示、消费和/或分发.
  • 在麦奎因校友中心举办的任何活动,酒精饮料将 如需服务,应由学校的专属餐饮服务供应商提供 serve all alcoholic beverages at said 事件.
  • All alcohol sold or distributed at the 麦昆校友中心 must remain on the premises, likewise, no outside alcohol can be brought onto the premises.

邀请 & 印刷材料所有印刷材料,包括邀请函,都要经过美国NAA的审核 在打印之前,确保捐赠者的名字被列出并拼写正确.


AV技术人员: Please contact the USA NAA for AV rental needs. An on-site attendant will be included 在购买反病毒软件包时. 

吸烟MAC和十大玩彩信誉平台是无烟环境. 没有烟草 校园内允许携带产品. Vaping and e-cigarettes are also prohibited.

交付:所有交付必须通过校友办公室协调. 所有交货必须 在后装货码头制作. The USA NAA cannot assume responsibility for items left by the caterer, rental company or facility user.

装饰所有的装饰和租赁物品必须经过美国NAA的批准. 道具必须 独立的,包括标志. Nothing is to be attached to the walls or the ceiling 未经许可. No posters or banners will be permitted on the MAC exterior or grounds without the approval of the USA NAA.  No tacks, nails, tape or similar items 可以在MAC中使用. Glitter, “silly string”, rice, sprinkles and confetti are MAC中不允许. There may be no open flames (except as described in 壁炉 section below) and all candles must be battery operated.

钢琴: In order to use the piano, prior arrangements must be made through the 校友 Office. 美国航空协会保留批准谁将弹钢琴的权利. No food or drink may be placed on the piano 在任何时候.


跳舞: If dancing is part of the 事件, a dance floor must be rented from an outside vendor and coordinated through the USA NAA. Carpeted or tile areas of the floor cannot be 指定为“舞池”而没有适当的舞池.

停车: 停车 at the MAC is available to facility users at no cost on weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays; however, no parking space is guaranteed. 附近的停车场可以 reserved for a fee by contacting USA NAA.

安全: All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.这是必然的 由设施承租人直接向USAPD安排并支付. 事件是必需的 to have a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of 在出售或分发酒类的活动中,两名警察. 电荷 per 事件 警官每小时35美元. 

付款: Acceptable forms of payment include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, 支票和现金. 支票抬头必须是美国国家校友会. 最后 payment is due thirty (30) days prior to the 事件.

责任: Each facility renter shall indemnify and hold harmless the USA National 校友 Association, the 十大玩彩信誉平台, and their respective agents and employees against any and all damages, claims, and liabilities arising out of its use of the MacQueen 校友 Center, including, without limitation, any and all claims for injury or death 任何来源的人员,包括但不限于新型冠状病毒肺炎,或损害 个人财产损失. 

损害赔偿设备的任何损坏或损失由设备承租人负责赔偿 the 校友 Center’s property, including but not limited to damage that may occur to 桌椅或设备移动造成的地板、墙壁和固定装置 这是由于事件而发生的,包括在准备或清理期间. 设施承租人进一步同意支付任何及所有维修或损坏的费用 the facility caused by itself or its vendors, guests, or invitees, or occurring during 其供应商、客人或受邀者根据本协议使用该设施. If any extra labor, cleanup, equipment, etc. are added to the scope of this agreement the facility renter agrees to pay for such items at a rate determined and set forth 由美国航空协会.

合规: The USA NAA reserves the right to deny use or continued use of its facilities to any person or organization not complying with the Association’s policies and procedures.



孩子们: Children are welcome to the MAC but must be under the supervision of a responsible 任何时候都是成年人. All 事件 attendees, including children, must stay within the 除特别安排外,活动指定区域及相关洗手间 已经完成了.

宵禁: All 事件s at the MAC must end by 11:00 p.m. and all guests must exit the building 当时. 组织者和清洁人员被允许工作到中午12点.m. 完成他们的职责. In the 事件 that all persons have not exited the MAC by 12:00 a.m., an hourly fee of $150 will be assessed.

取消费用:  Any scheduled 事件 that is cancelled within 10 days of the booked 事件 will incur 除押金被没收外,还需支付100美元的取消费. 如果事件是 在预定活动后5天内取消,取消费用为一半 在租金加上任何额外费用的剩余余额中,我.e. 安全等. 并没收定金.

力MAJUERE: Facility users shall be excused from liability for the failure or delay in performance 在本协议项下的任何义务,由于任何超出该方的事件 reasonable control, including but not limited to, Acts of God, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, or other natural forces, war, civil unrest, any strike or labor disturbance. 这样的 excuse from liability shall be effective only to the extent and duration of the 事件(s) causing the failure or delay in performance and provided that the party has 没有引起此类事件的发生.

新型冠状病毒肺炎: The USA NAA, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to place reasonable limitations on capacity or otherwise require the facility renter and its guests to abide by public 卫生安全措施(例如.g., masking, social distancing, etc.)与…一起 为减少新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播而在MAC安排的活动. 这样的 容量限制或其他公共卫生安全措施可能会发生变化 在任何时候.

*特别注意: The USA NAA offices operate on the 十大玩彩信誉平台 calendar relative to its holiday and 校园 closure schedules, which are set annually by the University, 以及由于恶劣天气和其他不可预见的事件而关闭. 的MacQueen 当大学关闭时,校友中心可能可用,也可能不可用.

Please contact the USA National 校友 Association for questions or additional information 电话:(251)460-7084或 alumnirentals@ewepub.com.


▼   Chief Calvin McGhee Grand Ballroom for USA 社区

The Chief Calvin McGhee Grand Ballroom includes use of the USA Foundation Grand Lobby.


280 seated; 350 theater/reception


  • $1,500 - Monday – Thursday, 8 am – 5 pm
  • $1,250 – Monday – Thursday, after 5 pm
  • $2,200 – Friday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

A cleaning fee of $500 is required for parties of 150 or more. 

On-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   USA Foundation Grand Lobby for USA 社区





  • $500 – Monday – Friday, available only after 5 pm
  • $750 – Saturday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

Cleaning fee and on-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   Gordon and Geri 莫尔顿董事会会议室 for USA 社区


28 seated at board table; additional gallery seating available. 莫尔顿董事会 是否推荐?是否推荐.


  • $425 - Monday – Thursday, 8 am – 5 pm
  • $500 – Monday – Thursday, after 5 pm
  • $500 – Friday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

Cleaning fee and on-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   Audio/Visual for USA 社区

Audio/visual equipment is available for an additional fee, which includes onsite assistance. Packages may be purchased in four-hour increments, or you may rent equipment individually.

  • 四小时套餐——300美元
  • 领奖台- $100
  • 麦克风——100美元
  • 投影仪——100美元
  • 投影仪屏幕——100美元
  • 大堂平板电视——50美元
  • Video Teleconferencing Equipment - $150 (莫尔顿董事会会议室 only; not included in 包)


8'x16 '的舞台- $300 -包括踢脚板和两个带扶手的台阶.

▼   Request a Rental Quote for USA 社区

点击这里请求租赁报价为麦昆校友中心. Once submitted, someone from our staff will be in touch within the next 24-48 hours 查看您的信息,并检查您可能遇到的任何问题.



▼   麦昆校友中心 General Rental Policies and Procedures for General Public

使用: Use of the 麦昆校友中心 (MAC) must be scheduled through the USA National 校友 Association at (251) 460-7084.

空间: 空间 is reserved on a first-come basis and is not booked as a facility rental until 已签署的合同和不可退还的50%押金已在美国航空协会存档. 空间 is booked in four-hour units for the Gordon and Geri Moulton Boardroom and eight-hour units for the Chief Calvin McGhee Ballroom. Setup and tear down must be included in 这一次. 请在活动开始前一小时进行准备和准备 one hour following your 事件 for breakdown.

食物:  All food and beverages brought into the MAC must be contracted through one of the 美国航空协会认可的餐饮服务商.

酒店老板:餐饮承办人必须从mac批准的餐饮承办人名单中选择. 校园部门 组织必须使用十大玩彩信誉平台的签约餐饮服务商.

垃圾: All vendors are responsible for their individual trash. 所有的垃圾桶都必须使用 使用垃圾袋时,不要将松散的垃圾直接放入垃圾桶. 所有垃圾必须 be removed from the premises immediately following the 事件. 不许留下垃圾 在整个设施的任何地方.

酒精: Affiliated chapters and societies of the USA NAA and non-University users may host functions at which alcoholic beverages are served, conditioned upon such service being 由大学认可的食品和饮料供应商提供.

  • The USA National 校友 Association is released from any and all liability concerning 任何酒精饮料的展示、消费和/或分发.
  • 在麦奎因校友中心举办的任何活动,酒精饮料将 如需服务,应由学校的专属餐饮服务供应商提供 serve all alcoholic beverages at said 事件.
  • All alcohol sold or distributed at the 麦昆校友中心 must remain on the premises, likewise, no outside alcohol can be brought onto the premises.

邀请 & 印刷材料所有印刷材料,包括邀请函,都要经过美国NAA的审核 在打印之前,确保捐赠者的名字被列出并拼写正确.


AV技术人员: Please contact the USA NAA for AV rental needs. An on-site attendant will be included 在购买反病毒软件包时. 

吸烟MAC和十大玩彩信誉平台是无烟环境. 没有烟草 校园内允许携带产品. Vaping and e-cigarettes are also prohibited.

交付:所有交付必须通过校友办公室协调. 所有交货必须 在后装货码头制作. The USA NAA cannot assume responsibility for items left by the caterer, rental company or facility user.

装饰所有的装饰和租赁物品必须经过美国NAA的批准. 道具必须 独立的,包括标志. Nothing is to be attached to the walls or the ceiling 未经许可. No posters or banners will be permitted on the MAC exterior or grounds without the approval of the USA NAA.  No tacks, nails, tape or similar items 可以在MAC中使用. Glitter, “silly string”, rice, sprinkles and confetti are MAC中不允许. There may be no open flames (except as described in 壁炉 section below) and all candles must be battery operated.

钢琴: In order to use the piano, prior arrangements must be made through the 校友 Office. 美国航空协会保留批准谁将弹钢琴的权利. No food or drink may be placed on the piano 在任何时候.


跳舞: If dancing is part of the 事件, a dance floor must be rented from an outside vendor and coordinated through the USA NAA. Carpeted or tile areas of the floor cannot be 指定为“舞池”而没有适当的舞池.

停车: 停车 at the MAC is available to facility users at no cost on weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays; however, no parking space is guaranteed. 附近的停车场可以 reserved for a fee by contacting USA NAA.

安全: All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.这是必然的 由设施承租人直接向USAPD安排并支付. 事件是必需的 to have a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of 在出售或分发酒类的活动中,两名警察. 电荷 per 事件 警官每小时35美元. 

付款: Acceptable forms of payment include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, 支票和现金. 支票抬头必须是美国国家校友会. 最后 payment is due thirty (30) days prior to the 事件.

责任:Each facility renter shall indemnify and hold harmless the USA National 校友 Association, the 十大玩彩信誉平台, and their respective agents and employees against any and all damages, claims, and liabilities arising out of its use of the MacQueen 校友 Center, including, without limitation, any and all claims for injury or death 任何来源的人员,包括但不限于新型冠状病毒肺炎,或损害 个人财产损失. 

损害赔偿设备的任何损坏或损失由设备承租人负责赔偿 the 校友 Center’s property, including but not limited to damage that may occur to 桌椅或设备移动造成的地板、墙壁和固定装置 这是由于事件而发生的,包括在准备或清理期间. 设施承租人进一步同意支付任何及所有维修或损坏的费用 the facility caused by itself or its vendors, guests, or invitees, or occurring during 其供应商、客人或受邀者根据本协议使用该设施. If any extra labor, cleanup, equipment, etc. are added to the scope of this agreement the facility renter agrees to pay for such items at a rate determined and set forth 由美国航空协会.

合规: The USA NAA reserves the right to deny use or continued use of its facilities to any person or organization not complying with the Association’s policies and procedures.



孩子们: Children are welcome to the MAC but must be under the supervision of a responsible 任何时候都是成年人. All 事件 attendees, including children, must stay within the 除特别安排外,活动指定区域及相关洗手间 已经完成了.

宵禁: All 事件s at the MAC must end by 11:00 p.m. and all guests must exit the building 当时. 组织者和清洁人员被允许工作到中午12点.m. 完成他们的职责. In the 事件 that all persons have not exited the MAC by 12:00 a.m., an hourly fee of $150 will be assessed.

取消费用:  Any scheduled 事件 that is cancelled within 10 days of the booked 事件 will incur 除押金被没收外,还需支付100美元的取消费. 如果事件是 在预定活动后5天内取消,取消费用为一半 在租金加上任何额外费用的剩余余额中,我.e. 安全等. 并没收定金.

力MAJUERE: Facility users shall be excused from liability for the failure or delay in performance 在本协议项下的任何义务,由于任何超出该方的事件 reasonable control, including but not limited to, Acts of God, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, or other natural forces, war, civil unrest, any strike or labor disturbance. 这样的 excuse from liability shall be effective only to the extent and duration of the 事件(s) causing the failure or delay in performance and provided that the party has 没有引起此类事件的发生.

新型冠状病毒肺炎: The USA NAA, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to place reasonable limitations on capacity or otherwise require the facility renter and its guests to abide by public 卫生安全措施(例如.g., masking, social distancing, etc.)与…一起 为减少新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播而在MAC安排的活动. 这样的 容量限制或其他公共卫生安全措施可能会发生变化 在任何时候.

*特别注意: The USA NAA offices operate on the 十大玩彩信誉平台 calendar relative to its holiday and 校园 closure schedules, which are set annually by the University, 以及由于恶劣天气和其他不可预见的事件而关闭. 的MacQueen 当大学关闭时,校友中心可能可用,也可能不可用.

Please contact the USA National 校友 Association for questions or additional information 电话:(251)460-7084或 alumnirentals@ewepub.com.


▼   Chief Calvin McGhee Grand Ballroom for General Public

The Chief Calvin McGhee Grand Ballroom includes use of the USA Foundation Grand Lobby.


280 seated; 350 theater/reception


  • $1,800 - Monday – Thursday, 8 am – 5 pm
  • $1,500 – Monday – Thursday, after 5 pm
  • $2,750 – Friday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

A cleaning fee of $500 is required for parties of 150 or more. 

On-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   USA Foundation Grand Lobby for General Public





  • $650 – Monday – Friday, available only after 5 pm
  • $1,000 – Saturday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

Cleaning fee and on-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   Gordon and Geri 莫尔顿董事会会议室 for General Public


28 seated at board table; additional gallery seating available. 莫尔顿董事会 是否推荐?是否推荐.


  • $525 - Monday – Thursday, 8 am – 5 pm
  • $650 – Monday – Thursday, after 5 pm
  • $650 – Friday – Sunday, 8 am – 11 pm

Rental rates are for eight (8) hours, Friday through Sunday; five (5) hours Monday-Thursday. Additional hours are $100 per hour.


All 事件s require security from USA Police (USAPD) (251.460.6312)必须安排 and paid for by facility renter directly with/to USAPD. 事件是必须有的 a minimum of one police officer for a non-alcoholic 事件, and a minimum of two police 负责销售或分发酒类的活动的官员. 每个事件的收费 警官每小时35美元. 


A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking. The balance is due 30 days prior to the 事件.

Cleaning fee and on-site staff host included in rental fee.

▼   Audio/Visual for General Public

Audio/visual equipment is available for an additional fee, which includes onsite assistance. Packages may be purchased in four-hour increments, or you may rent equipment individually.

  • 四小时套餐——300美元
  • 领奖台- $100
  • 麦克风——100美元
  • 投影仪——100美元
  • 投影仪屏幕——100美元
  • 大堂平板电视——50美元
  • Video Teleconferencing Equipment - $150 (莫尔顿董事会会议室 only; not included in 包)


8'x16 '的舞台- $500 -包括踢脚板和两个带扶手的台阶.

▼   Request a Rental Quote for General Public

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请与校友关系办公室联系,电话:(251)460-7084或 macrentals@ewepub.com 了解更多信息.